Saying Goodbye to 2018 and Hello to 2019

Saying Goodbye to 2018 and Hello to 2019

Endings and Beginnings

Are you ready?

Can you let go of the negative thoughts about what you did not get done this past year?

Can you let go of the thoughts you think that say you are not good enough, that you need to be something other than who you are, that you will never get what you truly want.  Can you let go of those thoughts?  It takes real courage to let those thoughts go but you can do it if you focus on what you are thinking and what you are telling yourself.

Pay attention to your thoughts.  Pay attention to how you feel.  Pay attention to your moments, each and every one of them.

Can you begin to tell yourself that you are doing exactly what you need to be doing?

Can you live in the moment and not project what you should be doing down the road?

Can you allow life to show up for you and expect miracles to happen?

Can you see the miracles in the things that do show up for you?

Can you begin seeing synchronicity in the things that show up?

Can you begin seeing the bigger picture in what shows up for you?

All anyone needs to do is to be in the moment, love the experiences you have and allow life to show you it’s wonder.

There is no need for New Year’s Resolutions.  Those are part of the old paradigm that you no longer live in. New Year’s Resolutions keep you stuck in a program that no longer serves the ones who have stepped into the new energy.

Live each day to the fullest with the awareness that you came here to do just that.

Honor who you are.  Love the choices you have made along your journey and expect life to continue to show you more of who you truly are.

As always it can only be your choice to choose what you want to do.

There is never a wrong choice but your choices will either hold you back or move you forward.

What are you going to choose to do as you step into 2019?

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!!

Angel Amy

How do I send love to something that is negative?

How do I send love to something that is negative?

You have to understand that the emotions that you feel are energetic.  There is an energy being sent to the people you are feeling negative about.  A negative emotion is always being sent by you to another person when you react to them.

We all want to feel the positive emotions more than we want to feel the negative emotions even though we experience them both. You can feel your negative emotions inside of yourself.  That is your first clue that you are holding onto an emotion that you may not have been aware of before.  Do you really want to hold onto any negative emotions?  When you hold onto a negative emotion it grows inside of you and continues to get bigger and bigger until you release it or you finally blow up.  When you blow up you are releasing some of the energy but not all of it.   This is when you need to realize that in order to get rid of all the negative emotion you need to release it, set it free. In order to release a negative emotion you need to love it. You need to send it love so it can dissipate. When you send love to your emotions they fall away. They break up into little particles and just fall away from inside your body.

To send love to an emotion you need to be aware that love over powers the negative. The negative experiences that are showing up are occurring to tell you that you are holding negativity inside of your body. People who push your buttons are merely showing up in your reality to tell you that you are still carrying around some sort of negative emotion from some past experience. When you understand this you can look at your emotions and know that the negativity that is showing up as a result of your buttons being pushed are merely there to give you guidance. They are showing up so you can release them and stop the cycle of that particular negative emotion from coming back again. When trying to release a negative emotion understand that you don’t have to love the person who pushed your buttons, you are merely sending love out to overcome the negative emotion that you have attached to that person.

When you release the attachment by sending love to it you will notice that the person who pushed your buttons will then begin to change. They change because you have released the attachment by sending love which releases the emotion of it. Without the negative emotional attachment being attached you are now free to be with that person without your buttons being pushed. You will see and feel a difference in both of you. It is always your own choice to either send love or stay attached to someone. Keep in mind the more you hold onto your negative emotions the more experiences will continue to show up for you telling you that you are still carrying around that negative emotion. Feel the negative emotion. Acknowledge it. Understand it is only showing you what you are holding inside yourself. Thank this emotion for giving you the message and then tell this emotion you are now releasing it. Feel the negative emotion fall away from your being. Feel the new loving emotion that is now filling this space inside your self.

Angel Amy

My son is 22 and has self-esteem issues

My son is 22 and has self-esteem issues

My son is 22 and has self-esteem issues. He needs reassurance all the time. I notice he is very controlling with his girlfriend and extremely jealous.  Do you have any insights?  The first thing you need to understand is that your son’s issues are his issues. They are not yours. The best thing you can do for your son is to let him work out his own issues. He will if you step back and allow him to. If he knows you are there to help him with his issues he will never take charge of him self to figure his life out. The more you are there for him the more you become a crutch for him to lean on. If you want him to succeed in life you have to let him go so he can figure it out for himself. He will. Step back and just allow him to be whom and what he wants to be. Stop reassuring him if that is what you are doing. Don’t judge his actions. You may notice once you do step back he may struggle at first with his choices but he will learn to do things on his own once he feels the energy shift. When you step back the energy will shift and he will feel it. This answer is for you because you are the one asking for insight. If he were to ask for help my answer would be different. But he is not asking right now which says that the issue your son is having is really your judgment of what you are seeing. We all judge the people we love. We think we know what is best for them.  We step in and try to help the best way we can. When we can begin to understand that everyone came into this world to learn certain things for themselves it would help people let go of the stress they have by judging what they see is going on. Your son came here to earth to learn something from his condition. Whichever way he chooses to live his life is perfect for him. It may not be what you want for him but he will be in alignment with his purpose when he chooses to take care of himself. This is a big lesson for you as well. When you can understand this and begin to allow your son to make his own choices you too will feel the energy shift. It will shift in you and it will shift in connection to your son. This is a new way of looking at things and it is much needed. The way we looked at things before just wasn’t working for any of us.  When we are open to hearing new ways in which to do things that is what is known as awareness.  Be aware of the way you react to your son. Let go and notice how you begin to feel and then notice how your son feels. Angel Amy

Loss or change – How do you see your experiences?

Loss or change – How do you see your experiences?

The words loss and change are really all about each individual person’s perception of what they see is going on in their life. You can see your experiences as loss or you can see them as changes.  It is your choice as to how you perceive your experiences. When you see your experiences as loss you will end up feeling more negative than positive. When you see your experiences as changes you will end up feeling more positive than negative. We all choose the way we see our experiences which leads us to the way we feel about them. If you can understand that you have a choice in how you feel you will be able to choose the feelings that help you feel positive. This is what we all want, isn’t it. We all want to feel positive. There is nothing wrong with choosing to see your experiences as change rather than as a loss. When a loved one passes away from reality you can choose to see it as positive or negative.  The positive side shows you that you accept the life path of this person and you see it as their birth into eternity. This way of seeing this experience is for that person’s best interest. It may not be for your best interest but it clearly is for that person’s best interest. You have the choice to feel positive or negative here. When you hear about someone getting a divorce you can choose how you feel about that as well. A divorce is a change in life’s circumstances. If you get out of judging what is going on you will see that what is really happening is change. Divorce means one or both people in a marriage are not happy and they are choosing to change. It may feel negative at first but if you look at others who have been divorced they will tell you that it’s the best thing they ever did. If you can see it as a change you will be keeping your feelings in a positive place rather than the negative place. If you have a son or daughter that is going off to college and you are seeing that as a loss that too is your choice. But that feeling of loss is coming from a place of not allowing your child to grow. That feeling is coming from a place of control. If you let go of control and allow your child to move on with their own life that will change the way you will feel about their experience.  If you can accept their choices and understand they are making them for themselves and not for you it may help you support their decisions in a more positive way. If you suddenly loose your job you can also see this as a positive experience or a negative one. Losing your job is about allowing your life to change. Change is always good if you allow it. If you struggle with it you will not be able to see the blessings in it.  Life is telling you that there is something more out there that you will enjoy doing if you can allow this change to happen without being in the negative place. When you allow life to show up for you and you can see all things as change rather than loss you will be putting yourself in a place where you are adding to your positive life experiences in a huge way. This is where happiness comes from, allowing life to happen without judging the experience as negative. It is always your choice as to how you see your life. Change your thoughts from loss into allowing change to happen and go with the flow of life and watch the miracles take place in your reality.

Angel Amy

Letting go of your Children

Letting go of your Children

Letting go of your Children

I struggle with letting go when it comes to my children. I love them so much and want them to be happy but I don’t know how to let them be themselves. If you are wanting to change the way you see something in your life then change your perception of what you are seeing. Everyone wants their children to be safe and happy, right?  Well ask yourself what it is that you want them to be safe from. Are you wanting them to be safe from life, safe from hurting themselves, safe from the unknown. What is it that you truly want for your children that will teach them to live for themselves so they can have their own experiences and learn their own lessons? We all came her to live. There are no mistakes unless you believe in mistakes. Nothing ever happens to someone that is a mistake. If a child falls and gets hurt, that is something the child needed to go through. This goes for any experience a child or human being goes through. If you can understand that when a parent tries to protect a child from hurt experiences the parent is not allowing the child to live for themselves. The parent is actually keeping the child from experiencing the life they came here to experience. The parent is coming from their own pain when they try to shield their child from painful experiences. Children do not always choose the same experiences that the parents have gone through. They are here to have their own experiences. The fear that you hold inside yourself that keeps you from allowing them to live their lives the way they choose is blocking yourself as much as it is your children. When a parent sends their child off to begin their day and says “Be Careful”. The parent is actually instilling fear into the child. When you say be careful to your child the child feels the emotion of fear. Do you want your child to be afraid of life? Life is a wonderful experience if you choose to see it that way. Even with the good and bad.   But the bad is only bad if you choose to see it as bad. If you can look at the bad experiences as just experiences they need to go through it may take away some of your fear that you hold for your children. It is all in how you see life. How you see it is how you will experience it.How you see it will determine how you instill fear or confidence in your children. See life as an experience and your children will become confident. See life as something you need protection from and your children will learn fear. Look back at your life with all the things that went wrong or that you experienced pain from and ask yourself if you would change those experiences. Most of you will see that from those painful experiences you learned a great deal and you would not change them. Why do you want to deny your own children that same experience? Allow your children to have their own experiences without judging what is happening to them. It is all in how you choose to see life that creates your experiences for yourself. See your life as a struggle, painful and ugly place and that is what you will experience. See your life as beautiful, rewarding and safe and that is what you will experience.

Angel Amy